Minggu, 30 November 2008

john machin

John Machin,
June 9, 1751), a professor of astronomy at Gresham College, London, is best known for developing a quickly converging series for Pi in 1706 and using it to compute Pi to 100 decimal places.
Machin's formula is:phi/4=4arctan 1/5 – arctan 1/239
The benefit of the new formula, a variation on the
Gregory/Leibniz series (Pi/4 = arctan 1), was that it had a significantly increased rate of convergence, which made it a much more practical method of calculation.
To compute Pi to 100 decimal places, he combined his formula with the
Taylor series expansion for the inverse tangent. (Brook Taylor was Machin's contemporary in Cambridge University.) Machin's formula remained the primary tool of Pi-hunters for centuries (well into the computer era).
Several other
Machin-like formulas are known.
John Machin served as secretary of the
Royal Society from 1718 to 1747. He was also a member of the commission which decided the Calculus priority dispute between Leibniz and Newton in 1712.

2 komentar:

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John Machin has find a formula
Machin's formula is pi/4=4arctan1/5-arctan1/239

nisa ul istiqomah mengatakan...

John Machin develops a quickly converging inverse tangent series for pi and computes pi to 100 decimal places